Modern’s Got Talent
Modern’s Got Talent

Modern’s Got Talent

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Everybody is talented because everybody who is human has something to express.― Brenda Ueland

There are two days in the week when there seems to be a palpable buzz in the air. Why, you ask? It’s the buzz of excitement as students and teachers alike look forward to the much-awaited weekly episode of Modern’s Got Talent for Grades 9 and 10 respectively.

The amount of talent exhibited by our students is truly remarkable. We have among us not just talented musicians and dancers but also some unusual or rare talents, as Advait of Grade 9 put it. Curious? You should be 😀

Check out the video below if you missed the first episode of Grade 9’s #MgT, hosted by Advait Namboodiri and Akshay Akhileshwaran.

And in case you missed the previous episodes of #MgT by Grade 10, please click the link / watch the video below, of episodes 1 and 2 respectively.

Grade 10 MgT Episode 1:

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