Our very own bilingual newsletter consisting of pieces written by both, our students and our teachers!
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વિવિધતા અને સમાવેશ એ બે વિભાવનાઓ છે જે સંબંધિત છે પરંતુ વિનિમયક્ષમ નથી. વિવિધતા એ એન્ટિટીના મેકઅપ અથવા પ્રતિનિધિત્વનો સંદર્ભ આપે છે. સમાવેશ એ સંદર્ભ આપે છે કે લોકોના યોગદાન, હાજરી અને અભિપ્રાયોના વિવિધ જૂથોને સફળતાપૂર્વક કેવી રીતે પ્રશંસા કરવામાં આવે છે અને એક ક્ષેત્રમાં સમાવિષ્ટ કરવામાં આવે છે.
વિવિધતા, સમાવેશ અને સંબંધ વચ્ચેનો તફાવત એ છે કે વિવિધતા એ સંસ્થામાં વિવિધ લોકોનું પ્રતિનિધિત્વ છે, સમાવેશ એ સુનિશ્ચિત કરે છે કે દરેકને કાર્યસ્થળના દરેક ભાગ અને સ્તરમાં યોગદાન આપવા અને પ્રભાવિત કરવાની સમાન તક મળે છે, અને સંબંધ એ સુનિશ્ચિત કરે છે કે દરેક વ્યક્તિ અનુભવે છે. સલામત અને તેમના સંપૂર્ણ, અનન્ય સ્વને કામ કરવા માટે લાવી શકે છે.
એક સમાવિષ્ટ કાર્યસ્થળ સંસ્કૃતિ રાખવાથી તમને પ્રતિભાના વિવિધ સમૂહને આકર્ષવામાં મદદ મળશે એટલું જ નહીં પરંતુ તમે જે વૈવિધ્યસભર પ્રતિભાને પ્રથમ સ્થાને આકર્ષિત કરી હતી તેને જાળવી રાખવામાં પણ મદદ કરશે.
તે વૈવિધ્યસભર હોઈ શકે છે, પરંતુ તે સમાવિષ્ટ નથી, જો ત્યાં ઘણા વિવિધ લિંગ, વંશીયતા, રાષ્ટ્રો, જાતીય અભિગમ અને ઓળખ હાજર હોય, પરંતુ માત્ર ચોક્કસ જૂથોના દૃષ્ટિકોણને મૂલ્ય આપવામાં આવે છે અથવા કોઈ સત્તા અથવા પ્રભાવ ધરાવે છે.
Adonia Uniyal 9D દ્વારા
સંસ્કૃતિ એક જીવંત સમાજના બની ગયો, ઘણા માર્ગો અમારી વાર્તાઓ કહી શકે છે ઉજવણી છેલ્લા યાદ જાતને મનોરંજન, અને ભવિષ્યમાં કલ્પના વ્યક્ત કરે છે. અમારા સર્જનાત્મક અભિવ્યક્તિ વ્યાખ્યાયિત આપણે કોણ છે મદદ કરે છે, અને અમને અન્ય આંખો મારફતે વિશ્વમાં જોવા મદદ કરે છે. ઘણા માર્ગો તરીકે પ્રેક્ષકો, વ્યાવસાયિકો, એમેચ્યોર્સ, સ્વયંસેવકો અને દાતાઓ કે રોકાણકારો સંસ્કૃતિ ભાગ ઑન્ટારિયોના.
તેના આંતરિક મૂલ્ય ઉપરાંત, સંસ્કૃતિ મહત્વપૂર્ણ સામાજિક અને આર્થિક લાભો પૂરા પાડે છે. સુધારેલ શિક્ષણ અને આરોગ્ય, વધારો સહનશીલતા, અને તકો અન્ય લોકો સાથે મળીને આવવા સાથે, સંસ્કૃતિ જીવન અને વધે એકંદર બંને વ્યક્તિઓ અને સમુદાયો માટે સુખાકારી અમારી ગુણવત્તા વધારો કરે છે.
સાંસ્કૃતિક અનુભવો અન્ય લોકો સાથે શેરિંગને અનુભવો લેઝર, મનોરંજન, શિક્ષણ માટે તકો, અને છે. પ્રતિ થીયેટરમાં સંગ્રહાલય જાહેર લાઇબ્રેરીઓ સ્ટુડિયો નૃત્ય કરવા, સંસ્કૃતિ સાથે લોકો લાવે છે. આ લાભો સંસ્કૃતિ આવેલા હોય છે. તેઓ અમે શું અમારી આકર્ષે છે અને શા માટે ભાગ છે.
– Anshu Parikh 9C
जीना – By : Ananya Anand Iyer, 9D
जैसे सूरज चमकता है,
हम देखते हैं कि यह धूल हमारे ग्रह के पानी पर गिरती है।
कितनी दिव्य दृष्टि है! कितना स्वर्गीय अनुभव है!
बिना किसी शक के, मैं यहाँ हमेशा के लिए रहूँगा,
यदि केवल कर्तव्यों और कार्य को पूरा करने के लिए नहीं,
काश हम इतना प्यारा जीवन जी पाते,
काश हम शांति और आज़ादी से रह पाते
फिर भी, हमारे इच्छा, हमारे हाथ में ही है
उन पलों का उपयोग करें और उनका लाभ उठाएं जिनका आप इंतजार कर रहे हैं
उन पलों को जियो,
यही है, सच्चा सुख और ज्ञान!
আমি ভারতের দুটি জায়গা থেকে এসেছি। দাদী।
একটি কলকাতা এবং অন্যটি পাঞ্জাব।
আমার বাবা লাহোর থেকে এসেছেন কিন্তু দেশভাগের সময় তার দাদা-দাদি দিল্লিতে চলে যান।
যেহেতু আমি ভারতের এক জায়গা থেকে আসি না তাই আমার কাজিনদের সাথে মানিয়ে নেওয়া আমার পক্ষে বেশ কঠিন।
আমি যখন কলকাতায় আমার আত্মীয়দের সাথে বেড়াতে যেতাম তখন আমি তাদের সাথে এত মজা করতাম না যতটা আমি আমার বাবার পরিবারের সাথে করতাম। আমি দিল্লির একজন ব্যক্তি ছিলাম, কারণ আমার বাবা-মা দুজনেই সেখানে থাকতেন৷ আমার মায়ের পরিবারের সাথে থাকার জন্য একটু কঠিন চেষ্টা করার পরে, আমি তাদের আরও বেশি পছন্দ করতে শুরু করেছি৷
-Megha Sharma 9H
কেন নেতাজি সুভাষ চন্দ্র বসু আজও অনেকের কাছে অনুপ্রেরণা?
নেতাজি সুভাষ চন্দ্র বসু ভারতের সবচেয়ে স্মরণীয় আইকনদের একজন, প্রতিটি রাজনৈতিক সংগঠন তার গৌরব বজায় রাখার চেষ্টা করে। প্রখ্যাত স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রামী ছিলেন বিখ্যাত আজাদ হিন্দ ফৌজের প্রতিষ্ঠাতা। বোস একজন সত্যিকারের নায়ক ছিলেন এবং ধর্মীয় সম্প্রীতি ও মহিলাদের জন্য লড়াই করেছিলেন। ।তিনি খুব আগ্রহী ছিলেন যে বিভিন্ন ধর্মীয় সম্প্রদায়ের সদস্যরা অন্যান্য ধর্মীয় বিশ্বাস সম্পর্কে আরও শিখুক।তিনি চেয়েছিলেন যে প্রতিটি সম্প্রদায়ের অভ্যাস যেন একে অপরের সাথে মিশে যায়।তিনি বিভিন্ন ধর্মের লোকদের প্রত্যেকের সমস্ত উদযাপন এবং আনুষ্ঠানিক অনুষ্ঠানে অংশ নিতে বলেছিলেন। সেই দিনগুলিতে নেতাজি অল্পবয়সী মেয়েদেরকে স্বাধীনতা আন্দোলনের সম্মুখভাগে থাকতে অনুপ্রাণিত করেছিলেন। তাঁর ক্যারিশমা এতটাই দুর্দান্ত ছিল যে কিছু ভারতীয় বিশ্বাস করেন যে তিনি এখনও বেঁচে আছেন, কারণ তাঁর মৃত্যু একটি রহস্য রয়ে গেছে। নেতাজির দুঃসাহসিক কাজ এখনও লক্ষ লক্ষ মানুষকে অনুপ্রাণিত করে। ভারতীয় যুবকদের তাদের দেশের জন্য কিছু করতে হবে। নেতাজি ছিলেন একজন সত্যিকারের দেশপ্রেমিক যিনি মহান সাহসিকতা ও নিষ্ঠার সাথে স্বাধীনতার সংগ্রাম চালিয়েছিলেন। তিনি তার বিখ্যাত উক্তি "আমাকে রক্ত দাও এবং আমি তোমাকে স্বাধীনতা দেব" এর জন্যও পরিচিত।
তিনি তাঁর অত্যন্ত সাহসিকতা এবং নেতৃত্বের ক্ষমতার কারণে, বিশেষ করে তাঁর সহবাঙালিদের হৃদয় জয় করেছিলেন। সে কারণেই তিনি আমার সবচেয়ে বড় রোল মডেলদের একজন, এবং অনেকের কাছে অনুপ্রেরণা। - Sanjana Ray 9G
Acte de gentillesse by Shradha Sujeeth 9D
La gentillesse est quelque chose que nous pouvons tous montrer. Nous n’avons pas besoin de le montrer à une personne, cela peut être un animal. Cela peut être pour n’importe qui !
Il y a beaucoup de façons de montrer la gentillesse. Il peut s’agir d’aider quelqu’un qui lutte avec ses émotions ou de donner de la nourriture aux pauvres ou même de respecter les gens. Il y a de nombreuses autres façons.
Nous ne devons rien attendre en retour. La gentillesse est la meilleure chose qu’une personne puisse donner et recevoir d’une personne.
Nous ne devons rien attendre en retour. La gentillesse est la meilleure chose que vous puissiez donner et recevoir d’une personne.
Untuned Guitars and Broken Laptops by Amrita Kripa Minimenon – 9D
Indecisiveness is something I’m sure we all have in common. A lot of the time, when we’re faced with a dilemma, or a fork in the journey that is life, we have the tendency of procrastinating the process of decision making. At times I can be impulsive with my decisions, and I absolutely despise it. Each and every one of us has a go-to ice-cream flavor, but a rush of excitement kicks in and the idea of trying something new comes to mind. For a change, I try something new and dislike it. I wish I could have chosen my preferred flavor. “I wish I had played it safe”. Have you ever considered this after making an impulsive and rash decision?
I pick up my guitar in an attempt to play after months of putting it off. I pluck a string and immediately realize it’s out of tune. My mind tells me to tune it before going any further to avoid the excruciating agony and pain that untuned strings would cause. My heart, on the other hand, tells me to experiment with it and see what happens. Should I listen to my mind or my heart? Is there a right answer? Quite often, we find ourselves intellectually conversing while making decisions.
“Now, what do I do?”
“Follow your heart, it’s what is right for you.”
“No, follow your mind. It’s what is best for you”
In my opinion, regret is one of the worst feelings. A broken laptop lies beside me, as I switch on my phone. My repulsive actions got the best of me, and I now have to face the music. Regret, in a way, is a form of punishment itself. I’m rambling on and on, but don’t you understand? My heart is urging me to do so. My mind warns me against penning down my thoughts and emotions on a piece paper, but my heart encourages me to do so. One will always find a way to contradict the other. I couldn’t find my umbrella, hence I walk out in the pouring rain, looking for one. We claim we won’t be able to find what we’re looking for. Nonetheless, we go out in search of it. Isn’t that what your heart is urging you to do? Or do you still remain indecisive? Neither here, nor there, and furthermore getting nowhere.