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With every new day comes new strength and new thoughts…”

As another week draws to a close, we are left to pause, ponder and reflect over the week gone by. Amidst the challenging environment, the bonding and strengthening of the relationships with our family members is something to cherish. The light moments of laughter which we seldom had time to appreciate are now precious and memorable.

With the month of May having passed by, we now mark two months of successful online learning. We would like to applaud the extraordinary resilience of both the teacher and student body for displaying exceptional adaptability in these unprecedented times.

As we approach the second cycle of our summative assessments, we are gearing up yet again to excel. Wishing all the best to everyone!

The following pages contain a myriad of riveting and fascinating articles written by our students themselves, and each one is sure to capture your attention from the very first word.

On behalf of Gems Modern Academy, wishing you good luck!

Ananya Dangra – Grade 10E

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